I finally went to do it today, 4 years later. Yes, it is my music exam. But not diploma in piano, but violin Grade 7. I gave myself 2 years to get my piano diploma, but somehow work did not allow me to do so. I thought I would have some time to practice, and hence I chosen my career path. But it proved otherwise. But nevertheless, today, I went for exam!! After 11 years since the last exam.
The examiner was very friendly. A trained pianist and bassonist. I was almost late to report for my exam today. Underestimated the time. My violin teacher sms me at 11:10am asking me where I was. It was a surprise cos' I told him not to come, otherwise it would add on to my stress. But nonetheless, he said he was there for moral support. Thanks Mr Tan!
My pianist was also there, my ex-theory teacher. It was a pity she played wrongly for almost 10 bars for my first piece. And I thought she didn't listen to my playing while she accompanied. So I was looking at her and nodding my head while I was playing, hoping to get her back. The examiner was starring at her! OMG. I hope it won't affect my marks. I was quite gan chiong over that first piece. And I think I rushed in the first few bars.
The examiner asked to look at the scores of my second and third piece before I played. Second piece was ok. I managed to play my D harmonic note out! HAHA! The third piece was ok. I already did my best, only a few wrongly hit notes and my own rendition of dynamics. I never ever played it through to my violin teacher before. Hence this was the piece I was most worried about. Plus, it is SOLO. No accompaniment for this third piece.
Scales. He gave all easy ones. D minor harmonic separate bow. Didn't end on the correct note. Chromatic starting on B, screwed. G major separate bow. Dominant sevenths, diminished sevenths, double stops all ok. Was he trying to help me by giving me all the easy ones?
Then followed by "the part everybody likes" which the examiner described - Sight-reading. OMG. It was easy loh. No high notes. C major in 2/4 time. Scherzando. The difficulty was in the syncopation and triple-stop pizz on CGE, followed by arco C. I thought my tempo was ok, I did subito piano well, notes was 80% there. But gan chiong me played arco on pizz and pizz on arco. Followed by the examiner scribbling away. Just give me a pass will do. I don't expect high marks for this part.
Then it was aural. He agreed that not everyone is good at that. Sight-singing was in E-flat major. Generally ok, but couldn't sing the interval from E-flat to B-flat. Shit. He gave me a second chance to sing!! He was soooo nice!! But me still couldn't sing that perfect 5th interval the second time round. Cadence was ok. Interrupted cadence in a special way. Modulation was easy. He gave a C major piece. It was easy to listen as it modulated to dominant key.
Last part on short piece questions. "Listen to the texture, style and period." he said. After playing, he asked leading questions loh! So good! It was easy answering him about the texture and period. The piece was clearly Baroque, containing mordents and ornamental notes here and there. Then clapping of the rhythm was bad. I think I only got 50% correct. Time of the piece should be in 3. I thought it should be correct.
Overall, the examiner was great, cos he gave all the easy easy questions. If it was difficult, I think I might flunk it. But I think I can do better.
Make a guess of my marks:
First piece A6: 25/30 (if he did not minus marks for my pianist mistakes)
Second piece B5: 23/30
Third piece C5: 20/30
Scales: 14/21
Sight-reading: 14/21
Aural: 14/18
Total: 110/150 PASS (only)
Don't think I deserve a Merit. I was actually aiming for a Merit. Sigh. I will know my results one week later online. I will try harder next time!
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