Oh my goodness... my blog is as good as none! I miss those days where I just sit in front of my comp blogging! I have yet to type in ANYTHING for my June's Korea trip. How worse can I get?
So, I've decided to sit down and do a blog entry on this year's Journey concert. This year's repertoire is much much manageable than last year's. I always enjoyed Bach's string pieces and his Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 is my favourite. However, this year seemed to be very rushed. I felt that there wasn't enough practices and rehearsals were not very proper. Perhaps ZH felt the pieces were easier, and the increase in the number of better players this year, as such, even on the day of concert I was feeling really lousy.
What I hate most is those CXXXX people who come and go as they like, don't listen to conductor, don't attend sectionals regularly, and worse of all, LIE so innocently!!! But of cos not all of them are like that.
But in V1 Section, it was terrible. I even asked if they are playing V2 for Brandenburg, and they replied yes. When audience clapped and we started the piece, they were BLOODY HELL playing V1. WHAT THE F***!
Being the fifth stand, we can't even hear the front stands! In the end, our Sinfonia and Concertos, I just merely air bow! FEEL LIKE CRYING! All these years I've playing, even the most difficult John Williams pieces, I also never air bow loh!!
Hence that makes my determination to do Grade 8 in Violin in the next two years.
Want to thank my colleagues and their partners who came to support me. They commented that the band could not make it. Horns were OUT OF TUNE. And their entries were bad. Sigh. No budget, what to do.
One thing good about this concert was that YT came back to play with me!! My stand-partner I dearly missed last year. And some good friends made - YQ and WK! YQ is like 6 years my junior in MSE. HAHA! But he is a really funny guy. Without him, practices would be boring!
Some pictures to share: