Journey 07 ended yesterday night at NAFA Theatre. This year we didn't have much time for rehearsals. That explains why my bowings were messy as well as I can't manage a few parts of the repertoire. SIGH. Never felt this helpless before. I even felt like pulling out at the last minute.
Rehearsals were screwed up. But luckily, we managed to pull through the concert. Barber in Seville was never-ever so nicely played. I was like "WOW" after the struck of the last chord.
Harold in Italy was ok. Not as bad as I thought it would. Tchaikovsky's String Serenade was ok. Managed to do Waltz properly. Sun Ke's Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto was good!!
There were alumni who came to watch. Some unexpected faces, and some older alumni were back. It's heart-warming to see alumni giving us their support! Yiting gave me a blue flower!! I LOVE BLUE FLOWERS!! THANK YOU YITING!
After the packing up, we sat at Mr Bean's. The usual thing we always do after concerts. The food is quite nice! HEHE. Left the place at about 115am. Was really very tired. Burnt-out over the whole week's daily rehearsals. My left shoulder and arm is very very tired! Have to put YOKO YOKO. And got a red mark on my shoulder. PAINFUL!
Some photos:

Full Orchestra with Dr Yeo in Viola Solo
Full Orchestra Group Photo
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