Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Found the Passion

The interview went on fine!!! This poster at the MOE headquarters gave me inspiration!!

I was sitting on the sofa, thinking of what to say... and taa daa!! I saw this poster on the wall... and it reminded me I could talk about serving my secondary school after I graduated!! Those Leadership Training Camps I had been organising!!!

Haha... The interview was really fine... The questions were like: Why did you choose teaching over an engineering career? What makes you go for an engineering degree? Why not the Faculty of Science in NUS? What major problems do you foresee you will face? How would you teach these kids?

I was so glad after I walked out of Room 23. I only went in for a brief 5 minutes compared to 15 minutes to the one before me. I told them I was surprised I was given Chemistry as a teaching subject... and they changed it to Physics. I said I preferred Mathematics, but they said they have enough supply of Maths teachers.

Well... hope good news will come.... Right now... back to FYP!!

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