It finally came to our concert day. It was held at Raffles Hotel, Jubilee Hall. My day started out with 830am lessons, and I was like damn tired due to disturbed sleep for two consecutive nights. My room mate's friend came over and talked till like 4-5am, and worse of all, they were walking in and out of the room. Then the second night, the friend came over again! 2am plus and still talking... I was so tired, I fell asleep and didn't know what time she left. I was sure someone SLEPT on my bed for the past 2 weeks when I wasn't in hall. Cos' her friend slept-over. SIGH! WHY!? SUCH INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE!
Back to the story, I was like half-sleeping through my lessons today. And another half was thinking about the concert in the night. The terrible grueling lessons were finally over at 530pm. I went to change into my blacks, and SMRT soon called me to tell me the cab number that I advance-booked an earlier day. 4554 was the number. I was thinking: WOW! Such a nice number? Will I get a Mercedes?
I went to the NIE lobby to wait for the cab. 540pm... still not yet arrived. Soon later, I saw a white cab turning in... WHITE! What are you thinking? It's a Merz LOH! WAH SEH! Feel like VIP! Left for Raffles Hotel, AYE was so jam, I reached at 620pm. Just in time for a group photo! (In the end, only took 1 group photo) Then went to look for my violin... gave me a scare cos' I can't find it anywhere! In the end, it was behind the stage behind the thick backdrop. Phew.
Then S came (my IA Sup). "Hey Jessica! Thank you! Do I really don't need to pay you?"
WHAT? WHEN DID I SAY IT WAS FREE? "Erm, no problem!" Why was I so shy to get money from him?! Totally shocked upon hearing him say that.
After settling all the tickets and stuff, I warmed up my fingers. Ran through parts of the scores that contains fast notes and high notes cos I missed the rehearsal in the afternoon. Then took photos with ZH, soloist and some others. ZH looked tensed and stressed. When I asked him what happened, he replied, "Nothing la, my shoulder is pain." Think he just trying to bluff me.
It was about 8pm before we started. Only about 60-70% of the seats were filled. Our first song was Overture to Marriage of Figaro. I think it was really well-played. Followed by Violin Concerto No. 5. There were many tempo changes which we never did during rehearsals. But luckily, we managed to survived though I think the third movement was not well-played. Then it was intermission. After intermission, it was Symphony No. 40. I reached the high notes unknowingly. I used to freak out for performances. But it was a wonder that I was enjoying myself throughout the performance. Probably I was relaxed and all the notes just came out. Hehe. There was no Encore though one person shouted "Encore!". It was pretty sad that many players left very quickly after the concert ended. I thought we could have more group photos. Sigh! Months of gruesome practises and rehearsals all ended in one and a half hour show. Mixed feelings. Don't know to feel happy or sad. Happy because it was such a good performance and we will rise to greater heights next year. And sad because I know the whole orchestra won't the same again - players will change and performance pieces will never be played again. Furthermore, I don't even know if I will have the chance to perform next year. I'll be teaching this time next year. With loads of work, I'm really afraid I can't commit.
The audience left quite quickly too. Wang De Yuan was there too. He happened to be a good friend of my desk partner. He's still as dashing. Haha. We went to Breko Cafe after packing up. Sat there till like 330am? And woke up like 1pm?!!? I was guilty cos' I promised to have KFC lunch with my brothers. Sigh. They might have hated me now.
I will miss Saturday's and Monday practises.