"Here in the midst of a lonely abyss,A single joy I find...Your presence in my mind."
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Gift for Aline
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Finally... THE LETTER
The ICA letter arrived today. My citizenship application has been approved! I have 8 months to renounce my Msia citizenship and take the Oath for Sg citizenship. I foresee more paperwork and waiting.
Her condition has worsen. She cannot walk now. She has lost her appetite. She is so fragile now.
My aunt was diagnosed with fourth stage lung cancer suddenly about half-year ago. She wasn't a smoker. Nobody in the family smoked too. Doctors said it was probably due to prolonged exposure to cooking fumes. Chemo made her lose her hair and weight. Following that, her hearing ability gradually deteriorated. Doctors gave her half a year.
I remembered one year ago, she was still very energetic and loud. And when we went over to her house in Kluang, she cooked our favourite chicken rice with her special dip sauce. She is a very good cook.
My mum is going to accompany and take care of her next week. I hope she can persevere and live through CNY.
Till then, it will be hard to control my tears.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Trip to KL
Practiced violin with Cheryl in the morning cos' she would be having her recital at 2 pm. The recital was quite well organised. We left for USJ at about 3 pm. Yeah... it was a surprise to see Kang Jie and parents in the house there too. After transferring Jiale's Taiwan photos to my phone (simply love phone nowadays that act as a hard-disk too!), we left for Sunway Pyramid!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 7: Taipei
Monday, December 14, 2009
Day 6: Taipei

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Day 5: Taipei
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Day 4: Yilan --> Taipei
Friday, December 11, 2009
Day 3: Hualian --> Yilan

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Day 2: Hualian

Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Day 1: SG --> Taoyuan Airport --> Hualian
1. Jiehui - my first three months JC classmate, and NTU coursemate as well as my hostel roommate from Yr 2 to 4.
2. Meihui - knew her since Primary 5. My best buddy in Secondary school. Then she went into the same JC as Jiehui.
3. My mum
4. My paternal aunt
5. My paternal aunt's daughter - a Yr 2 NTU student
6. My Cousin - Chiew Yee Jie Jie
7. My Cousin - Pei Chun Jie Jie.
8. Chiew Yee Jie Jie's daughter - Cheryl (5 yrs old)
9. Pei Chun Jie Jie's daugther - Amber (5 yrs old)
10. Myself - highly distressed civil servant on limited holiday period
Our detailed itinerary can be found here: Click
Comments on food and their locations can only be found in my food blog.
Our flight was at 10:25 am. Dad sent Mum and I there. The wait had been long! I had wanted to travel overseas during June, but there were so many things happening that trips were cancelled. Upon boarded the plane, the feeling of anticipation was heightened.
We reached Taoyuan airport a little 10 minutes late. Chiew Yee jie jie they all had already arrived half an hour earlier than their prescribed timing. They were sitting on the chairs just outside the belt. I was so happy to see all of my relatives! We then proceeded to buy bus tickets to Taipei Railway station so that we can go Hualian. The different bus companies were shouting quite loudly to us to choose them. In the end, we took 大有巴士 (Airbus) cos' the bus was departing soon. The two little kids do not have to pay for the bus.
The bus journey was slightly less than an hour and we reached Taipei Railway station. JH and I went to buy train tickets to Hualian, Hualian to Luodong and Luodong to Taipei - 3 sets of train tickets. Luckily there were still tickets. ^^ The ticketing lady was very polite and helpful. Since there were still an hour for the train, we went level 2 to have our dinner. Taipei Railway station was big and there were many stalls. It houses three 7-11, donut shop, bakeries, ice-cream, food court, etc. We were so excited about one bakery named "Milkhouses" which sells a variety of creative bread. Despite photography was restricted, we managed to snap a few pictures. Click for food link.
It was a long journey and we reached Hualian 3 hours later... Cheryl and Amber were having lotsa fun inside the cabin, without catching a wink. They didn't have to pay for the tickets, but it also meant they didn't have seats. The train was packed and hence they had to share seats with us.
Our tour guide, 潘导, was already waiting for us outside the station. I called Rose Garden 民宿 at Taipei Railway station and arranged the timing. He was a very friendly man. He helped us with our luggage onto his Volkswagen van. He drove round Hualian city to tell us where are the nice food and the shops around our 民宿. It was a short ride of 10 minutes before we reached the 民宿.
We were greeted by a narrow staircase in between 7-11 and an eatery shop. Luckily there were people to help us carry our luggage upstairs. We checked-in, and we were all amazed by the room cleanliness and decorations. We simply love the place!
After unpacking for a little bit, we left the 民宿 to walk around the vicinity for FOOD. We ate 鹅 at 鹅肉先生 (NT$200 for half goose), cockles (NT$150), 小笼包 (NT$5 for one),水蒸包 (NT$50 for 10),炸鸡排,贡丸。。。before heading back. Click for food link.

I took a nice hot shower after this very long day. Settled the accounts from everyone that night before the night's rest.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Setting out on a HIGH note!
Goodbye Singapore!! I'm going to have my long-awaited holidays!! I will try to be online there. My flight is gonna be early. Need to reach the airport at 830am. The flight is at 1025am. ^^
*Will be back to Singapore on the night of 15th Dec.
*BBM and Google latitude will be turned off. No more tracking of me on Earth.
*Phone and SMS accessible! On roaming! You can still SMS me!
Meanwhile, take care, my friends!! Will miss u guys!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Looking for this book
As a follow-up to the popular Propless Games® resource book, Allan Lee has compiled another collection of 101 icebreakers, deinhibitisers, energisers, brain teasers, lateral-thinking activities and team-building games. The unique feature of these games is that they can be conducted using simple or minimum props. Designed to provide hours of fun and learning, the book is a great resource for facilitators, trainers, camp organisers, teachers and student leaders to jazz up their workshops, camps and events.
Features of the book include:·
- Step-by-step instructions for each game.
- Variations on numerous games.·
- ‘Note to the Facilitator’ to highlight unique learning points that can be derived from the games.
- Precise printouts that can be photocopied from the pages (or downloaded from the website).
- Illustrations to help you understand how the games are played.
Available at:
Singapore: Kinokuniya, Times, Page One @ VIVO, Big Bookshop, Harris Bookstore and Republic Polytechnic Booklink.
Overseas: Kinokuniya (KLCC), MPH (Midvalley).
Distributed by Marketasia (www.marketasia.com.sg).
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Taiwan's Itinerary
Time to go shop for a nice jacket!!! Time to dig out a nice suitcase!!!
I saw this Hideo Wakamatsu suitcase with Sakura flowers prints at Plaza Singapura a few days ago. It was damn damn damn nice!! And the price was $400++~~~~ for a medium piece!!!!! OMG!!!
Going to play in a sextet on 24th Dec. Some extra bucks, but it also means I can only go to my Christmas' party much much later. =(
Friday, November 27, 2009
Trina's Wedding
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Finding a Husband
Some single women hang out with a "buddy," never requiring him to state his intentions. Others have pre-marital sex and don't understand why their "partner" has no momentum toward marriage. Most spend all their time with the same group, even though no one in that group is a possible marriage partner.
These habits are pretty good for preventing weekend loneliness. But the very things singles do to avoid being alone on Saturday nights may keep them alone for the rest of their lives.
Sadly, we're members of a generation which, on the whole, desires marriage, but doesn't know how to get there or believes there's no rush to make it happen.
It turns out there are things you can do to move a relationship forward. But you have to know what not to do first.
Resist the counterfeits
If you want a mate who respects you, you've got to respect yourself. That means setting high standards for your relationships. Are you the gal guys always come to for advice about other women? Do you spend all of your time with a guy who's not your boyfriend? If you've answered yes, you may need better boundaries to protect your heart and time. This will help you resist the temptation to spend your prime years and best self on counterfeits.
Retain sexual power
Unmet sexual longing is a powerful motivator for men and women alike. Many of our parents and grandparents, had short courtships thanks to this natural force. If you're having sex outside of marriage, you're diminishing your sexual power and your ability to find a good match. Men having their sexual needs met casually have fewer reasons to sign up for marriage.
Reassess your options
A lot of women have good friends who are men. They describe them by saying, "Oh, we're just friends; we've never thought of dating." Too often we overlook men in the "just friends" category because we're not "attracted" to them. Instead of asking who you're attracted to, start asking "Of my friends, who would be a good husband and father?" You might be surprised who you're attracted to!
Parents used to choose their daughters' husbands for them. You can be sure the last quality they considered was physical appearance. I'm not suggesting a return to those days — they had problems of their own — but we can borrow a principle from them: if a woman is paired with an upstanding man, love will have a chance to grow.
Check your expectations
A US report in 2002 detailed a trend among single men who have sex with their girlfriends but admit they'll never marry them because they're not "soul mates."
Most people want a mate who knows them at their deepest points and loves them fully. When asked to describe their soul mate, many singles imagine a person who "completes them" and who will love them exactly as they are and never ask them to change. But what happens when those two soul mates encounter the turbulence of marriage? These expectations cause them to doubt that they've found their "soul mate" after all.
Despite fantasies of marriage as an endless date, a lifelong partnership is actually about the day-to-day stuff of life: raising kids, paying bills, cleaning the house, etc. A lasting marriage requires commitment, no matter what. You have to go into it expecting highs and lows.
Ask the people you know for help
Until recently, marriage was, for most people, a primary purpose of life. Friends and relatives were willing partners in helping singles meet the eligible bachelors in their lives. If we only spend time with peers, the competition for available men will likely be fierce. But if we have friends in different life stages, it's probable they will know eligible men. And if these friends are believers in marriage they can be helpful allies.
Changing your way of relating to men may seem unnatural at first — and for some, not worth the effort. But if your goal is marriage, it makes sense to do what's in your power to achieve it. Don't misunderstand: there's no formula for making two people fall in love and commit their lives to one another. But you still have a part to play. And if you're doing things that lead you away from the altar, why not purposefully change direction?
Adapted from Finding a Husband by Candice Z. Watters
Copyright © 2003 Candice Z. Watters. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. This article was published on Boundless.org on February 23, 2006.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Preparations to Taiwan
Finally sat down last Saturday and settled all the itinerary for my Taiwan Trip (9th to 15th Dec). There are going to be 10 of us on the trip in free and easy mode, and doing up the itinerary is really quite a headache.
The air tickets are expensive! S$756 on China Airlines. So the accommodation must be more budget. ^^
Just 3 more weeks to the trip. I hope all of us will have fun there! I will blog about this Taiwan trip. The last Japan and Korea trips weren't blogged.
After coming back from Taiwan, I will head to KL for four days! Going to stay at my cousin's house and also meet YQ who will also be there! I just wanna get away from Singapore.
Forget the people, forget the troubles and come back afresh.
Feeling all excited already!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Best Wishes to Mr T
I am very sad and know I will lose my good friend, Mr T, after what he told me over dinner just now. It further reasuured me that all men are all alike.
Life still has to carry on for me.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Kitty Lab

The place inside EXPO is very small. You can easily complete the whole thing within 15 minutes. If you complete all the stations within 35 minutes, you will get a Kitty badge:

At the end, there is this souvenir shop. I thought they would bring in a vast variety of Sanrio items for Kitty fans. But they didn't! It was only their Kitty 35th Anniversary mechandise. I got a pair of chopsticks at $15. I was hoping for more Sanrio stuff!
Well, I thought the whole Kitty Lab could have been done much better for the Kitty fanatics.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Even though the gifts were virtual, I'm glad they were from him. Even though I suspect it isn't him, the sight of seeing the name is satisfying enough.
Indeed, after checking with him on MSN, it was from him.
Monday, October 26, 2009
人都是泛溅的。我是其中一个。为何有简单的日子不要过,得自讨苦吃,自找工作和烦恼?这是所谓的 "ego" 吗?
Thanks to YQ for reminding me I have a blog. Will be back to back-post some events. =)
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Journey 2009
This year's concert was better than last. The pieces were more manageable. And with more number of sectionals, there was better cohesion amongst the V1. The only bad thing was an intensive 1.5 months of practices and rehearsals.
I must thank my students who came down to support. It was heartening to see that there are students who care for me too. At least, this is what will keep me in my job.
After the concert, there was this big group of us who headed down to Mr Bean's to chill. This is the third consecutive year we did this. And every time, the group gets bigger with the addition of new members, and older alumnus. HAHA!
It was quite a sad goodbye at the end. Throughout of this whole 1.5 months of interaction, I really took every time as a LAST time. The conductor said there will be no concert in 2010, and the next will be in March 2011. I wonder if my migration plans will have taken off by then. Though there are countless things and people I can't bear to leave, a new environment is tempting.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The Application
I finally submitted my application for citizenship after procrastinating for 2 months. There were many documents to submit. And there was this lady inside the room that handles all the paperwork, and she looked like a lawyer. She was really fierce to me. And I was thinking, "What the hell?!" Eventually it was over.
Holding a Singapore passport will enable me to travel to many countries without a VISA, which is super troublesome. And this passport will allow for easier migration, I hope.
Friday, March 20, 2009
marry me
a colleague told me today: the person you marry should be the best person whom you can tag-team with. not the one with the most romance.
how true. it has to be somebody to accept the ugliest part of you.
suddenly i feel like getting married. TOO. do you want to marry me? :)