Friday, July 22, 2005

Of Feet and Shoes (Of Mice and Men)

I spent another yet unfruitful day doodling with PS2. It was my brother who suggested to play it yesterday. All thanks to him, there goes the time to read up on Physics and violin practise. Mum is away in Beijing, so hence, the 3 pigs at home are on rampage.

While MH (younger brother) was out and MK (youngest brother) was in school, I went to Tampines Central to shop for my shoes. Needed some appropriate shoes for teaching! Finally got to a shop in Century Square in a corner and got them! They were beige in colour and I really love them! Had been looking around for shoes like that, but they didn't give me a good feeling. And I got my shoes for $29.55 after a 20% discount!

Then I shopped for some tops at Metro and Double Index. Roughly adding up to $70+++, near to $80 I guess. ~$~

Adding on to the damage, I went for my life's every first - a express pedicure for $15 at Nails In Vouge. Express pedicure only covers filing of nails and painting with nail art on 2 toes. I kind of like it! Maybe next time can consider going for a full pedicure!

I'm going to skip my SE practise tomorrow. Don't want to spoil the practise session. Think ZH will drill the performers for Monday's gig, and the non-performers will sit there staring. Or am I making excuses for myself? Recently has been thinking if I should get my Piano diploma. It seems something far-fetched. How about violin? Haven't been improving after playing for so long. Should I really get serious lessons? But where's the time?

Should I get tuition kids? Should I get music students? Money seems to be everything I'm thinking now.

A guy sms me at 730am this morning! TMD! The msg wrote: good morning! Time 2 wake up!
What the hell? Did I request for a morning call? Instead of a good morning, it became a frustrated morning. Had some trouble getting into sleep last night, and woken up by MK going to school at 630am. I suppose I'm anxious over my first day at Hai Sing Catholic School. I suppose I miss HIM even more. Shan't think so much now, he's trying hard to get over his ex now.


Anonymous said...

You're giving up an engineering life to teach?

starhealer said...

Hey! How did u come across my bloggie? Ya, going to teach.

Anonymous said...

don't worry ger! everything will be fine! all the best for ur first day in school! =)

Anonymous said...

Haha, I got a tracking device on my blog one...